Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Grade Level Access and Registration

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  •  mountainsnow















































                                                                                                                                                WELCOME BACK !



                 Aim high! Stay high!





                                      Be the best you can be !







    Welcome Back! VAS Garden Hills' Cambridge Computer Science trailblazer students, sprinting your way to success and beyond!



Assessment Overview


What will assessment entail in grade 10 ICT?

Our aims in ICT assessment are to ensure all our students can successfully complete the course and to highlight areas of improvement so we can ensure no student is left behind.

There are two distinct parts to assessment in ICT GCSE: Practical and Theory. Students undertake two practical and one theory paper in ICT GCSE.


This will be done both for the mocks and the real exam. In addition to this are internal assessments of specific chapters.



What will be assessed?


Theory Test 1

·        Chapter 6 - ICT Applications

28th September –

4th October

Practical Test 1

·        Chapter 20 – Excel

·        Chapter 21 – Websites

1St – 8th November

End of Semester 1 Exams

·        NONE


Theory Test 2

·        Chapter 7 – Systems Lifecycle

·        Chapter 8 – Safety & Security

·        Chapter 9 – Audiences

·        Chapter 10 – Communication

·        Chapter 11 – File management

22nd – 28th February

GCSE Mock Exams

·        Paper 1 – Theory

·        Paper 2 – Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations

·        Paper 3 – Data Analysis and Website Authoring

1st – 14th March

GCSE Exams

·        Paper 1 – Theory

·        Paper 2 – Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations

·        Paper 3 – Data Analysis and Website Authoring

From April: Exact dates to be announced.



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