Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Grade Level Access and Registration

G9 Assessments Overview


Assessment Overview


What will assessment entail in grade 9 ICT?


Our aims in ICT assessment are to ensure all our students can successfully complete the course and to highlight areas of improvement so we can ensure no student is left behind.

There are two distinct part to assessment in ICT GCSE: Practical and Theory. This year students are solely doing assessments set and marked within VAS. Practical exams will be two and a half hours long. Assessments are set on the chapters below.



What will be assessed?


Theory 1

·        Chapter 1 - Computer systems

·        Chapter 2 - Input & Output

·        Chapter 3 - Storage devices

28th September –

4th October

Practical Exam 1

·        Chapter 17 – Word

·        Chapter 18 – Access

·        Chapter 19 – PowerPoint

9th –  15th November

End of Semester 1 Exams

·        All content so far

16th – 29th November

Theory 2

·        Chapter 4 Networks

·        Chapter 5 Effects of Using ICT

22nd – 28th March

End of Semester 2 Exams

·        Theory only – Chapters 1 through 5

19th April – 2nd May


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